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Re: "im wesentlichen unveraendert" (was: Cancel Richtlininen fuer at.*...)

On Tue, 06 Aug 1996 21:54:49 GMT, pfeifer·dbai.tuwien.ac.at (Gerald
Pfeifer) wrote:

>Einerseits denke ich persoenlich, dass Otmar mit seiner Replik leider
>recht hat, andererseits existiert aber ein starker Wunsch diese
>Formulierung zu praezisieren.
>Was sollen wir also tun? Vorschlaege? Definitionen?

Nimm die Definition von Chris Lewis (danke, Otmar), oder verweise
darauf - fertig.

"Substantively identical" means that the material in each article
is sufficiently similar to construe the same message.  The signature
is included in the determination.  These are examples of substantively
identical articles:
- byte-for-byte identical messages
- otherwise identical postings minimally customized for each group it
  appears in.
- advertising the same service.
- articles that consist solely of the same signature
- articles which consist of inclusions of other user's postings,
  but are otherwise identical.
