Pacific War (Victory Games)

House Rules and Q&A
- Here are the house rules our group uses to play Pacific War, in
ASCII and PDF format.
- This is all the official Q&A about Pacific War that I am aware of,
consolidated into one file, in ASCII and PDF format. The PDF
version (only) also contains the official errata of 1 April 1986.
- Here are the official
errata of 1 April 1986 (this is what is contained as a leaflet in
most PW boxes) by themselves in case you want them that way. ASCII
format only.
- Analysis of the losses in amphibious invasions (taken from the Southern Conquests replay wrapup): ASCII
Tiny Counters
Long ago, I did my own installation, Force, and Task Force counters
in Framemaker, with the goal of being able to play without
stacking on the map. They are tiny and therefore not
for everyone, but I found the ability to place a port, airfield, OSB
and HQ in one hex so as to be visible at the same time quite useful,
especially when playing the Strategic Scenario.
I drew the counters large and adjusted the print scale so the counters
came out 5mm on a side, printing on white and yellow paper depending
on nationality. I glued them onto strips of removable adhesive tape
so they would not be blown off by every breeze. The mix also includes
submarine force counters (so it would no longer be possible to see how
many subs were in a hex just by looking at the map). The two files
are in PDF format. One contains airfields and ports and the
other contains the rest
including a listing of the counter symbols on the last page.
Other links
- Various reviews and replays can be found on Web Grognards, the site to start on
when looking for information about wargames.
- A database for assisting PW play, game notes, an excellent rules
index, and a compilation of optional rules can been found on the
Website of Steen Kastoft
- A Japanese page containing articles on OOB variants as well as a replay of the initial phase of the war in Southeast Asia.
Modification History
99-09-03: Southern Conquest Wrapup and analysis of amphibious losses added
99-09-02: House Rules and Q&A updated
99-08-25: Philippines '41 replay added
01-06-12: Japanese link added
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Last modified 12.6.2001