7.5.7 TABLE

Whenever a FUZZYCOMPARE or FUZZYCONCAT statement is used, we have to include a table where the correspondings for all linguistic terms for comparison and concatenation is defined. The statement to do that is

TABLE File_Name

Such tables have to meet the following structure:
CONCAT ConcatOperator parameterset1 parameterset2 parameterset3
<list_of_lingterms> <list_of_lingterms> <list_of_lingterms>
COMPARE CompareOperator parameterset_in parameterset_out
<list_of_lingterms> <list_of_lingterms>

To concretize this concept, we will give a sample for such a table, according to the example we started in 7.5.1:

CONCAT AND fuzzy1 fuzzy1 fuzzy1

low low low

low medium low

low high medium

medium low low

medium medium medium

medium high medium

high low medium

high medium medium

high high high

OR fuzzy1 fuzzy1 fuzzy1

low low low

low medium medium

low high high

medium low medium

medium medium medium

medium high high

high low high

high medium high

high high high

COMPARE = fuzzy1 fuzzy2

low bad

medium good

high bad

# fuzzy1 fuzzy2

low good

medium bad

high good

< fuzzy1 fuzzy2

low good

medium neutral

high bad

> fuzzy1 fuzzy2

low bad

medium neutral

high good

Whenever we want to use new operators or new linguistic terms, the appropriate entries in such a file have to be performed. In this example fuzzy1 and fuzzy2 are names of PARAMETERSET objects, so for each PARAMETERSET there should exist the corresponding entries in the table if we want to state constraints on FUZZYVAR objects declared with such a PARAMETERSET.