A FUZZYCONCAT constraint concatenates two FUZZYVAR objects with a concatenation operator out of {AND; OR}. In much the same way as mentioned in 7.5.5, the correspondings of linguistic terms have to be defined in a TABLE file. So for all concatenation operators and all combinations of linguistic terms there must be a resulting term in the table of correspondings. For detailed information see section 7.5.7. Whenever a FUZZYCONCAT is encountered, CSI(C&F) generates automatically the appropriate rules using this table, as long as no such rules were already generated previously.

The format of a FUZZYCONCAT statement has the format

FUZZYCONCAT FuzzyVar1 IS FuzzyVar2 ConcatOp FuzzyVar3

where FuzzyVar1, FuzzyVar2, and FuzzyVar3 are FUZZYVAR objects. ConcatOp is a concatenation operator out {AND, OR}. A brief example shows the use of FUZZYCONCAT:

FUZZYVAR fuzzy_variable parameterset1

FUZZYVAR fuzzy_constraint1 parameterset2

FUZZYVAR fuzzy_constraint2 parameterset2

FUZZYVAR fuzzy_constraint3 parameterset2

SET fuzzy_variable = 15

FUZZYCOMPARE fuzzy_constraint1 IS fuzzy_variable > 10

FUZZYCOMPARE fuzzy_constraint2 IS fuzzy_variable < 20

FUZZYCONCAT fuzzy_constraint3 IS fuzzy_constraint1 AND fuzzy_constraint2

EVAL fuzzy_constraint3