WEBPAGEDUMP v0.3 - various bugs in command-line processing removed - destination now accepts paths with filename which doesn't generate a wpd named directory WEBPAGEDUMP v0.2 - incremented FF version (now usable up to FF 2.5) WEBPAGEDUMP v0.1 (changes over scrapbook-0.22.12) - extracted saver.js and common.js - renamed saver.js to domsaver.js [domsaver.js] - changed class name from sbContentSaver to wpdDOMSaver - added extensive source code documentation - changed init - renamed saveDocumentInternal to saveDocumentHTML and changed - renamed saveFileInternal to saveDocumentFile and changed - renamed getFrameList to setFrameList - added saveDocumentEx, - removed captureWindow, captureFile, showDetailDialog, addResource - moved surroundByTags, addCommentTag, removeNodeFromParent, doctypeToString, leftZeroPad to common.js - renamed inspectNode to processDOMNode and changed - renamed inspectCSSText to processCSSText and changed - changed download - added isFileRegistered, checkForEqualFilenames - added createCSSFileNode, createPseudeDocTypeNode, replaceDocType, generateHTMLString - added getMetaCharset, createMetaCharsetNode, createMetaNameNode, getMetaBaseURL, getMetaDate, createMetaInformation - added saveDocumentCSS, saveDocumentEx, saveHTMLDocument - added handling of various bugs in firefox (WPD_CRLFBUG, WPD_ENTITYBUG, WPD_DOCTYPEBUG, WPD_JAVASCRIPTSRCBUG, WPD_CLONENODEBUG) (refer to the top of the source code for detailed information about this bug variables) [common.js] - changed class name from sbCommonUtils to wpdCommon - added handling of page load events (e.g. wpdWindowLoaded...) - added checkCRLF, unicodeToEntity, playSound, sizeWindow, addError, saveWebPage - renamed leftZeroPad to addLeftZeros and changed - added filePathToURI, URLToFilePath, getFileLeafName, getFilePath, appendFilePath, pathExists - added ConvertFromUnicode16, ConvertToUnicode16 - added convertURLToObject, resolveURL, getHostName, convertUrlToASCII, createDir, readDir, fileSize - added readFile, writeFile, copyFile - renamed and changed downloadFile - added getIntPrefs, setIntPrefs, getStrPrefs, setStrPrefs, getStrPrefsEx, setStrPrefsEx, setBoolPrefs - renamed surroundByTags to nodeToHTMLString - renamed doctypeToString to doctypeToHTMLString