ECAI-2000 home page

Workshop on

Knowledge-Based Systems for 
Model-Based Engineering


Call for discussion

The papers presented at this workshop illustrate, to a certain extent, the state-of-the-art of knowledge based engineering today. Many of them contain descriptions of research prototypes or of successfully applied industrial cases in the field of model based diagnosis or engineering design. Most of them concentrate on a specific problem (or problem class) in the broad field of engineering applications, and follow a special approach to model and solve this problem.

In order to provide a common discussion platform that goes beyond very specific application or technical interests, the workshop organizing committee asked the authors and the other workshop participants to consider in their presentations / discussions the relation between their past experiences and the way they see the future developments in the field of knowledge-based engineering. The introduction  “Knowledge-Based Engineering: Where we are – Where we go?” by Rüdiger Klein (to be found in the Workshop Notes) is meant to stimulate these discussions and to suggest some common discussion topics.

Rüdiger Klein

Knowledge-Based Engineering: Where we are – Where we go?

Information technologies have been of growing importance in this context over the last decades. Currently, this process is gaining dramatically speed and power in all areas. The main reason is the “internet revolution”. The advent of internet and intranet technologies changes the way information is exchanged and used: inside companies as well as in their outer business. E-business and b2b commerce are only the newest buzz words. They complete the more “old fashioned” (just a few years old) slogans as concurrent engineering, computer supported cooperative work, knowledge management, and such “dinos” as CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM, etc. They all will be influenced substantially by the new-coming technologies.
What is exchanged in this way is information - but what is necessary is to share, communicate and use knowledge. With current information technologies, the meaning of data is mainly left to the human users. They are the (main) “sources” and “processors” of knowledge. When computers are used to support this information processing this is done mainly in a pre-defined and explicitly coded way. Automated knowledge processing by knowledge based systems is still more an academic issue than one of daily practice - though in the meantime a number of industrial knowledge based systems have been implemented. Knowledge based systems in engineering practice are still more an exception than the normal case. Such systems are mostly restricted to relatively small and isolated applications, and they need a large effort to get built and maintained.
This has to change – this is our confession – if the “internet revolution” shall be mastered effectively and efficiently. Knowledge processing has to become an integrated part of information technologies. Only in this way the new complexity of information in the internet age can be successfully managed. This is especially true in engineering with its complex and manifold tasks: engineering knowledge management, requirements engineering, specification-driven design, design-to-X, RAMS-engineering (reliability, availability, maintainability, safety), etc.

Knowledge based technologies have two main aspects in engineering (and not only there):

Knowledge modelling is important as “backbone” and “glue” of the different information systems used. The information processed by these systems has explicitly to be modelled including the underlying assumptions. This is essential for system interoperability, information integration, intelligent information retrieval, knowledge warehouses, etc. Ontologies emerged in recent years as a main field of knowledge modelling especially dedicated to this task
But knowledge modelling has a second focus – directly related to problem solving by knowledge based technologies. Knowledge based systems can be seen as two separated but interacting and interdependent components: the applied problem solving methods and the corresponding knowledge base. Both have to correspond to each other: the knowledge base has to be modelled according to the problem solving methods, and the problem solving methods have to chosen according to the task at hand (the problem solving competence) and the applied modelling assumptions in the knowledge base.
Currently, this process of knowledge modelling and knowledge based system design is a complicated and laborious process. It needs special skills in knowledge based technologies as well as in the intended domain. Due to missing comprehensive domain models and powerful generic problem solving methods, various compromises and short cuts have to be made during modelling (which normally requires a deeper understanding of the domain). The resulting knowledge based systems are typically hard to reuse or to extend.
Let’s describe the way out of this dilemma as a vision of knowledge based engineering: Both knowledge libraries can be accessed through the internet using intelligent retrieval, and knowledge based systems can be configured automatically reusing such building blocks from the libraries.
In this way, much less effort will be needed in order to build much more complex knowledge based systems.
Visions are valuable: because they allow us to dream, they help us to get motivated, and they guide our search to turn them into a reality. Visions become a danger if one forgets the difference between dream and reality.
Both roles of this vision provide the ground for our workshop: which are the challenges on our way to knowledge based engineering, and what is realistic today or can become real on this way within the near future.
Of course, the vision described above is not restricted to engineering. But engineering has some special aspects. They make it challenging to discuss knowledge modelling and problem solving issues especially related to this domain. These aspects can be summarised as follows: The papers presented at this workshop are typical examples of the state of the art of knowledge based engineering today. They contain descriptions of successfully applied industrial cases or of academic research systems. They deal with model based diagnosis or with engineering design. Each of them concentrates on a special problem or problem class in the broad field of engineering applications, and follows a special approach to model this problem and the problem solving. There is a large amount of similar research activities and results described elsewhere dealing with special problems in engineering and special approaches to them.
In order to provide a common platform for the workshop, we suggest to focus the discussion onto the following issues related to the vision of knowledge based engineering outlined above:
  1. What were the main modelling principles applied in each of the described systems: on the domain knowledge level as well as on the side of problem solving methods? On which assumptions are these models based?
  2. What changes and/or extensions in the applied modelling approaches would be necessary in order to come to more generic models? Is that realistic? Do human engineers apply generic models in order to solve their problems? If yes – how do these models look like; if no – why not?
  3. What should an engineering ontology (or a system of engineering ontologies) look like in order to support generic knowledge models in engineering domains?
  4. How is problem solving controlled in engineering? If there are more than one problem solving method applied in a system, how is their interplay managed and controlled?
Of course, it is not an easy task to find comprehensive answers to these questions. Probably, this will not be achievable at this workshop alone. It will need time and much more substantial research efforts. But we should find answers to these questions – for the benefit of knowledge based engineering.
This is my personal view. Also counter positions are, of course, very welcome – if anybody does not believe in the visionary approach formulated above, or anybody has concrete experiences in contradiction to what has been suggested.
May this workshop provide a good and stimulating starting point for these discussions.

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