
To reduce the amount of spam sent to our users, we refuse mail from hosts that seem to be configured incorrectly (and in many cases have already been abused to send spam).

In other words, if mail of yours has been rejected, this is likely due to a misconfiguration of your mail system (though, unfortunately, we cannot completely rule out false positives).

For help, please forward the error messages you have received to your technical staff/your service provider and (who is excluded from the blocking setup and will be able to help).

For other ways to contact us, please refer to our address page or email

Technically, we block:

  1. Hosts that lack reverse DNS, that is, hosts whose IP address does not correspond to a name (which is a configuration error on your side). This is described in RFC 2505. (You can find a copy here.)

    The error message in that case will read "Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname" or similiar.

  2. Hosts that have reverse DNS, but whose name does not resolve to the IP address actually used.

  3. Hosts which identify themself (using HELO or EHLO) with a hostname which does not resolve.

  4. Mails from outside our institute addressed to

In all of these cases, please contact your site administrator.

Some documents which describe this requirements:

Quote from RFC 1912:
Every Internet-reachable host should have a name. The consequences of this are becoming more and more obvious. Many services available on the Internet will not talk to you if you aren't correctly registered in the DNS.
Last modified: Nov 2012