Wooden Ships and Iron Men

These three pictures show the situation near the end of a game of a self-compiled Glorious First of June scenario. All these pictures suffer from extremely small depth of focus - sorry.

Click on the images to get larger versions.

This shows both fleets from above. The British had tried to break through the French line, but the French had managed, at the price of having several ships badly shot up, to close the gap and envelop and destroy most of the British van. When the French were able to disengage their rear and reform it in line (visible on the left), the British player despaired of turning the game around and gave up.

A slightly brighter and smaller version of the large image.

Note the burning sails of the British ship in the foreground (visible as a blob of color). A French three-decker is sinking to the left of it. The three British ships in the central group have their main mast marked with black sails as a sign that they have struck their colors. In both pictures, you can note the presence of several partially dismasted ships, in particular one of the French 74s in the van group and the sinking three-decker. A totally dismasted British 74 is almost hidden in the shadow thrown by another ship's sails on the far right of this picture.

A slightly brighter and smaller version of the large image.

This photo is focused on the line formed by the French rear, with the British in the foreground (the dismasted British 74 mentioned above is visible as the third ship from the left in the foreground squadron). Note the 120-gun three-decker leading the French line (the ship which appears slightly set off the center of the line in the other two pictures). On the far right is a sinking French 74, with one mast left standing.

Last modified 7.3.1998