Objective: Schmidt

Two views of the complete map.

General Cota-Schmied-Kowarzik pondering his options. This shows the map in action, on the morning of the second day of the campaign. The US spearheads are just occupying Schmidt with a large force arriving in Kommerscheidt. The next three pictures show other situations from the game up close.

US troops on the south side of the Kall, waiting for the orders to attack Kommerscheidt.

German units attacking the Kall Trail (left unguarded due to an US command snafu).

The infamous Kall Trail traffic jam. We use Suppressed markers to designate tanks broken down on the trail. (It should be pointed out that the large stack at center is not actually part of the traffic jam; it's the US mortars which are stacked for convenience in an environment completely free of enemy airpower and out of reach of enemy artilley spotters.)

"Before and after." This is a map I built strictly top-down. Here is it at the time when the southern half was done, the northern half still flat and the two lowermost levels that cover the whole map area still missing as well.

Last modified 18.8.1999