
OptiFLIP++ is a heuristic optimizing library. Several heuristics have so far been implemented and tested, namely:

Results using the repair based algorithms implemented in StarFLIP++ have so far yielded intermediate results, almost equal in performance. Simple random search repair is easier trapped in suboptimal solutions. Starting from a better initial instantiation (for example from the solution found with the constructive approach) does not really influence the results. More statistics and a detailed analysis of the different algorithms can be found in Dorn et al. [Dorn94]. All repair based heuristics are much faster and yield better results than the constructive approach that was evaluated using the same configuration parameters.

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(c)1996 Andreas Raggl, Mazen Younes, Markus Bonner, Wolfgang Slany
Last modified: Tue Jun 24 15:43:17 MET-DST 1997 by StarFLIP Team