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Exercise 2

(15 points)

The goal in this year's exercise is to develop an XML-based format to represent data for an auction house (like eBay). In Exercise 1 you will create an XML Schema and XML document and in Exercise 2 you will be querying and transforming this document with XML-related technologies.

An auction house offers products. A user can place a bid on a specific product. After a set date, the auction for a product ends. The user with the highest bid wins the product.

Remark: The following data format can be seen as a database for an auction house.

This exercise consists of three parts. First, we will use DOM and SAX to access and modify XML documents. Second, we will evaluate an xQuery expression over an XML document. And third, we will use XSLT to transform the XML document into a Webpage.


In the following ZIP-file you will find a general template for this exercise. This template also contains an ant-script (build.xml) which can be used to test your solution. A similar ant-script (with more test cases) will be used during the assignment discussions. Please, remember:


Imagine that your application is divided into a client that displays the auction house and a server that processes and manages the auction house. The auction house displays its product on a webpage (the client). The user chooses a product and places a bid. The client sends the bid to the server, which stores and processes the auction house data (in an XML document). The client uses the following "bid" XML document for this communication:

       <bid product="2">

This XML document states that the user "Lisa" placed a bid of "500" on product with id "2".

Your goal is to manipulate the auctions.xml document with DOM in such a way, that the above "bid" is stored in the document. The "bid" document is parsed using SAX.

You have to ensure that your resulting document validates against the given auctions.xsd. Additionally, you have to check if the placed bid fulfills the following criteria:

Description of Classes

The template provides you two classes. The class SSD contains the main program logic. The class Bidding Handler is used as a SAX handler for parsing the "bid" document and manipulating the auction house document. A detailed description follows:

Call of program and result

The code implemented in src/ssd/ can be run using three program arguments. The first is an auction house document as input (e.g. auctions.xml from exercise 1 or the file located in the resources folder). The second is a "bid" document (e.g. resources/auction-bid.xml). The last is an auction house document as output (e.g. output/auctions.xml). We have configured two ant-targets:

After the assignment discussion, we will add a file resources/auctions-sample-out.xml that shows the output of the program by applying resources/auction-bid.xml to resources/auctions.xml.


You can evaluate XPath expressions over an XML document (or also relative to a node) using the following statements:
XPathExpression xpathExpr = xPath.compile("//users");
NodeList playerList = (NodeList)xpathExpr.evaluate(auctionsDoc,



In this exercise we will create an XQuery that evaluated over an auction house document, will give you a list of users together with the won bids.
The output should look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <user name="Bart">
      <product value="450">Web Engineering</product>
      <product value="150">XML in a Nutshell</product>
   <user name="Homer"/>
   <user name="Lisa">
      <product value="300">The Great Gatsby (Movie + Soundtrack)</product>

The meaning of the document is as follows: The user "Bart" won the products "Web Engineering" (with value "450") and "XML in a Nutshell" (with value "150). The user "Homer" has not won any products. The user "Lisa" won the products "The Great Gatsby (Movie + Soundtrack)" (with value "300").

The elements won should be ordered by user ascending and the elements product by value descending.

You can write this query in src/xquery.xq. The query can be evaluated over resources/auctions.xml using the following command:

The output is written to output/xquery-out.xml.



Create an XSLT stylesheet src/auctions.xsl, which transforms a (for the schema resources/auctions.xsd) valid XML document (like resources/auctions.xml) into an HTML document specified as follows: The HTML document should give an overview of the products contained in an auction house auctions.xml document. For each product give the name and the description. Also list the total number of bids and each bid for the product. The bid with the highest value should be in red color. An example output is given here.

Call of program and result

The transformation using the stylesheet in src/auctions.xsl from resources/auctions.xml to output/auctions.html can be run using the following command:

The output is written to output/auctions.html.



In order to create a zip file you have to use the following command:

This zip file has to be uploaded until 08.06.2016 23:55 in TUWEL. We will grade the last uploaded solution.

Assignment discussion

You can receive at most 15 points for Exercise 3. During the assignment discussion we will not only check your solution for correctness, but will also ask some questions regarding the used technologies.

To obtain the full number of points your solution has to be solved correctly and you have to be able to explain it. Copied solutions are awarded 0 points!

In your own interest come ontime to your assignment discussion or else we don't guarantee that your solution is completely checked in the remaining time of the reserved slot.

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